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Classic tibia?

NN Nefasto

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Hello guys,

I am trying out this bot and so far seems so good, however, it seems to me that it focus in a different kind of tibia, as it is hard to find common used scripts. Would like to ask your help.
Does anybody have a cavebotting script for rookgard, venore or darashia rotworms or dwarf guards caves?
Food script I found here doesnt work properly, as it is super used everywhere, could it be included in the check lists options? "eat food" done.
Similar situation for Rune Maker, could we think about inputing a window to make it more user friendly?

This is not a complaint. Only asking for help.

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  • 10 months later...

yea eat food would be nice, used the eat from corpse but that doesn't always work wich ends up killing my low lvl sorc when its hungry and out of mana


for now im using this simple script just change the id of the food ur using

if not g_game.isOnline() then return end

local foodId = 3725 -- id of the food you want to eat



Edited by oualid64966
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