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Posts posted by Tokumei

  1. On 10/22/2021 at 11:36 PM, Rise said:

    Hey can anyody write me a script that SKINS{with item} dead body?


    If you used the search function you would have found this script.

    I have no idea if it works or not though as I haven't tested it.



    - Tokumei

  2. Hi there, I was wondering if anyone could tell me if there is an order of operation built into the bot.

    In other words does the healer always have first priority or is it best for me to just make a persistent script that focusses on healing and attacks (they share a global CD on WAD).

    Any information here would be much appreciated. 

    - Tokumei

  3. I'm not sure what problem you're running into, but here's something that might help.

    I don't have a druid at the moment, so it's only been able to tested through the console.


    -- 	Heal Friend with Spell
    --		 by Tokumei
    -- 	  Version 1.0 (21/10/2021)
    -- Edit this part --
    local friendName = "Tokumei"  	-- insert your friends name here
    local healPercent = 70			-- the % of HP you want to heal your friend at (eg 70%)
    local spell = 'Exura sio "'		-- Spell to use for healing your friend
    local spellCD = 1000			-- what is the internal cooldown of the spell (1000 = 1second)
    -- Don't edit this unless you know what you're doing --
    local friend  
    local friendHP
    local creatures = g_game.getCreatures()
    friendHeal = function(s, f)
    friendCheck = function(pN, m)
    	for v,k in pairs(creatures) do
    		if k:getName() == friendName and k:isPlayer() then
    			friend = k:getName()
    			friendHP = k:getHealthPercent()
    			friend = true
    			friend = false
    	return friend 
    if friendCheck(friendName, creatures) then 
    	if friendHP <= healPercent then 
    		friendHeal(spell, friendName)
    		sleep(spellCD, spellCD+100)


    This script is a persistent script that should run and check if your friend need a heal every 0.1 to 0.15 seconds. I don't know what the internal cooldown of sio is for you so left that as a variable.

    Let me know if it works well.

    - Tokumei

  4. On 10/18/2021 at 10:41 PM, Kuuba said:

    Hi Zelek,


    i need a script that will fallow specifid player when no monster is targeted.


    This should do the trick. I haven't tested it a lot so let me know if it works as intended.

    --    Follow Player When Not Attacking
    --             by Tokumei
    --    Version 1.0 (21/10/2021)
    -- Edit this part --
    local friend = "Tokumei"    -- Name of player you want to follow.
    -- Don't edit this unless you know what you're doing --
    local creature
    local creatures = g_game.getCreatures()
    for v, k in pairs(creatures) do
      if k:getName() == friend and k:isPlayer() then
        creature = k
    if not g_game.isAttacking() and not g_game.isFollowing() and creature then 
    auto(100, 250)


    - Tokumei

    • Thanks 1
  5. This is not really a script request so I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right area, but I was wondering if it's possible to use the hotkey script function to change a variable for a persistent script.


    One alternative solution I thought of was to simply call one of two variations of the script through a hotkey, but not sure how to do this or if it's possible either.

    local variable1 = true
    if variable1 == true then
    	variable1 = false
    	variable1 = true
    if variable1 == true then
    	-- call persistentScript1
    	-- call persistentScript2


    Any advice would be appreciated

     - Tokumei


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