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Everything posted by Koxik

  1. Koxik

    Bot Bug

    if u do it at over 99% it will burn better as system on dbl works the amount of mana x 1.5 so the more u have the biggest bonus to ki lvl u get
  2. Koxik

    Bot Bug

    Yeh, I had tested all the functions of the bot and healer does not work for me at all, doesnt matter if its mana burner or healer using spell. What should i do to make it work? Ive got a weird feeling that the last version was so much easier than this. Any chance to use the older version? I didnt mind its simplicity, now you got advanced bugged version and that just wastes my subscription with the time needed to spend to make anything work. plus i would ask you to at least make me a copy of my scripts saved in files from last version of bot if possible cause its gonna take me ages to transcript it to the newer version :s
  3. Koxik

    Bot Bug

    for some reason it doesnt, it used to be easier in older version to do it in healer cause the time till mana gets back was just enough so i didnt need no sleep function
  4. Koxik

    Bot Bug

    Any chance you can help me to create simple mana burner using healer?
  5. Koxik

    Bot Bug

    Also is there any chance to import all my configs from the older version onto the new one? Ive lose all my scripts, can you at least transport my old scripts from sct to xml format file?
  6. Koxik

    Bot Bug

    done it twice already, had to uninstall beta v2.0 and download twice and still nothing. seems like bot is seeing latest version as and old one
  7. Koxik

    Bot Bug

    my bad indeed i shoulda remember that. anyways after changing the name again bot is saiyng that :
  8. Koxik

    Bot Bug

    Hiya, Im dblots player I had no issues when I played the last version but now, I have changed the client name to Otclient, tried opengl exec and directx exec with no success, bot tends to start but it doesnt see my client whatsoever. Any tips what to do ? my subscription is getting wasted. Heres my screen
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