Bot was asking to add auto function to necro wand script so here it is for DBL players:
(seems to be working fine, although I haven't tried it with cavebot yet, maybe sleep time needs adjusting a bit, but it works)
if not g_game.isOnline() then return end
local itemIdtoUse = 12124
if not g_game.isAttacking() then
g_game.useItemOnPosition(itemIdtoUse, g_game.getLocalPlayer():getPosition())
sleep(1000, 1500)
Obviously your skill needs to be high enough to get range of 1 SQM. Have fun. Thanks Zelek 🙂
If it comes to inventory repair script, I'm not sure if DBL has some modifications, or is it the bot itself but it repaired everything but the items that I have marked in red and it is opening and closing the backpack(the top one), instead of using the necklace I guess.
I also forgot to ask a question. Sorry to be such a pain mate.
Do you by any chance have a script for DBL to pause the bot and sound the alarm when Banner is doing MSG check? I think I saw it on the old forum.
Thanks for such quick reply 🙂