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  1. So I now understand why the one I wrote myself didn't work for me, it's just that the search on other floors is not yet implemented. Will this be hard to implement? When can we expect to add searching of other floors? To tell the truth, for me this is the most important function.
  2. If possible, I would like a script that searches the entire screen for items whose id is contained in an array. I just need to search on the surface, z =7. Thank you in advance!
  3. I would like to use some simple functions for scanning map. smth like this for _, tile in ipairs(g_map.getTiles()) do if getDistanceBetween(pos(), tile:getPosition()) <= 7 then if tile:getTopLookThing():getId() = "dragon ball id" then playSound("alarm.wav") end end end end auto(100) If I can find the dragon balls, the cost of the license would be covered for me. 😊
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