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Everything posted by Zelek

  1. Please follow all steps from this post: Especially take a look at #5: „5. If in the title of the bot's window you can't see your character's name or "Logged off" then the DLL injection failed. Refer to the step one in this case or simply try again.”
  2. First of all there is a separate topic dedicated to the scripts requests and you still create a new one. Second of all I have no idea what gran aura and senzu is, maybe some kind of explanation? Third of all what do you mean by a word spellcaster and how does it reflect a script in any way? Please take a moment to read my reply and create a better request in the appropriate place I’ve mentioned before. I’m closing this topic.
  3. Also let me make it clear, this post isn’t about the issue with cavebot walking, you are just using the bot to cast spells etc while you move manually? I can probably add a toggle that disables the “stop movement” command while attacking for people like you who would rather walk manually
  4. Okay so the issue here is that you never stop to kill the monsters, you are running around all the time and the attack function also stops the walking and this is where the stutter is coming from. I don't plan to change the behaviour of the attack at the moment since it's very unusual to hunt like you do, and probably a bad idea in general.
  5. and how about describing your issue correctly so I can fix it instead?
  6. alright I have no idea what do you mean by a rubber banding. Please record a video showing the issue
  7. Still it's a client issue, probably auto walking isn't working correctly. Try to place your waypoints really close to each other and adjust them for the easiest path possible.
  8. I don’t really understand the issue you are experiencing. Does it stay blocked on a certain sqm unable to move to the next one? even while trying manually? If so it’s a client bug and should be reported to the developers of this server. Also are you sure the targeting settings you have shared are working as intended for you? It will currently only attack if there is exactly 3 monsters with given name on the screen.
  9. Zelek

    Request Script

    Anything related to reading the map (sqms, items on the ground etc) isn't currently possible. I'm planning to add it in the future releases (not beta).
  10. I don't see any reliable way to find a path if you are "in the air" and ground is created dynamically while you move.
  11. I don’t understand what this post is about. Please provide explanation, I don’t know every server and I don’t play any of them to know out of the box.
  12. i’ve already answered this question in your other post.
  13. Zelek

    Slow Moving

    There is about 250ms pause between going to the next waypoint if using “stand”. If you don’t have to stay on the exact SQM then it’s better to use a “node” with range for example 3x3 or 5x5. If you used a node instead of a stand then as soon as character is in the given range from a waypoint it will proceed to the next one. You can disable targeting with a script if there are less than X monsters within a given range. Also i’m moving this topic to the Questions board
  14. Zelek

    Request Script

    auto(500) local itemIDs = {23876} -- populate this table with items IDs you would like to move to the specified backpack local backpackToMove = "reward backpack" local containers = g_game.getContainers() local function findContainer() for _, container in pairs(containers) do if container:getName() == backpackToMove then return container end end end local containerToMove = findContainer() if not containerToMove then return end for i = 1, #containers do local items = containers[i]:getItems() for _, item in pairs(items) do if table.find(itemIDs, item:getId()) then g_game.move(item:getId(), containerToMove:getSlotPosition(math.max(0, #items-1)), item:getCount()) return end end end
  15. Only the bot crashes?
  16. @Karma1 i’ll take a look at it.
  17. Zelek

    Request Script

    Currently it’s only possible to send keys F1-F12. I’ll add more in the next beta.
  18. You can easily do this with a script.
  19. You can download it here: OTClientBot-v2.0.0-beta5 Also please remember to install Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 x86 if you haven't already. List of changes: Fixed some targeting issues Fixed some issues with managing containers and items Added support for NTSW
  20. @Kurwierererererit will be fixed in the next beta release.
  21. It looks fine for me, however you should enable "Target only reachable" if you are playing a melee character. Also, I'm unable to test your waypoints at the moment since I don't know where this spot is at.
  22. I have no idea how your settings look like but it works perfectly fine for me using built-in targeting so it would be useful if you could share your exact settings.
  23. I won’t be adding server specific stuff built in into the bot. You can probably achieve what you want via waypoint action and correct script.
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