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Everything posted by Zelek

  1. Zelek

    Reset HW ID

    @Nacuta try now
  2. Zelek

    Still active?

    I'm not actively developing it, no. It's a hobby project that I unfortunately don't have much time to work on. It works on literally 90% of servers that use otclient tho 😛
  3. use a script, there are examples on the forum that do exactly that
  4. You can download it here: OTClientBot-v2.0.0-beta19d Also please remember to install Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 - 2019 x86 if you haven't already. List of changes for beta 19: Targeting: fixed danger priority not working as expected add a "*" (asterisk) to the monster name to search the specified phrase. for example: "Dragon*" will also target Dragon Lord, Dragon Lord Hatchling etc. Cavebot: fixed crash issue that could occur when 2 waypoints were placed at the same position fixed waypoints not advancing properly to the next one fixed map click not working on certain clients Lua: added "getCurrentWaypoint" that will return Position object of current selected waypoint Additional: bot's executable and dll file name will now rename to a random string on every update List of changes for beta 19a: fixed initialization error with some clients List of changes for beta 19b: added "Idle Timeout" to cavebot settings (amount of time it considers bot stuck and starts skipping waypoints) added "Read ground items" to Info & options (while reading tiles is enabled and this option is checked then ground items will also be read - by default they are ignored) fixed various functions not working at blacktalon ots List of changes for beta 19c: fixed some compatibilty issues (WAD/WAT and more) List of changes for beta 19d: fixed several issues that could cause the application to exit unexpectadly improved compatibility with certain clients
  5. you can use condition healer for that
  6. I’m aware, will most likely fix this weekend
  7. I’ll take a look but nothing really changed regarding that since beta 17
  8. Looks like it was always working like this, I'll change it in the next update.
  9. should be fixed with version 18c, let me know if you still encounter the issue
  10. let me know if the issue still exists in version 18c
  11. I suggest launching the bot after logging in to the game, since some clients load dat after clicking the log in button. Bot should try to get that information again until success but I guess it can fail. I might add some info on that into the interface
  12. It seems to work fine on those clients that I tested. Keep in mind that this will always return false if it can't read the information reliably. What server is that btw?
  13. should be fixed in 18b. thanks for your feedback
  14. Zelek

    Anty Idle

    local config = { timeToTurn = 15 * 60 * 1000, -- 15 minutes directions = { North, South, West, East } } if not g_game.isOnline() then return end local currentDir = g_game.getLocalPlayer():getDirection() repeat local newDir = config.directions[math.random(1, #config.directions)] g_game.turn(newDir) sleep(1000) until (g_game.getLocalPlayer():getDirection() ~= currentDir) auto(config.timeToTurn)
  15. You can download it here: OTClientBot-v2.0.0-beta18c Also please remember to install Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 - 2019 x86 if you haven't already. List of changes for beta 18c: fixed an issue where bot didn't try to get item info after initially failing (thus functions like isContainer were always returning false) cavebot logic improvements List of changes for beta 18b: additional security checks for lua scripts fixed onTextMessage event returning invalid message fixed LocalPlayer.getItems, LocalPlayer.getItemsCount and LocalPlayer.getItemsById functions not working List of changes for beta18a: fixed g_game.getIdleTime() not working correctly with previous version fixed cavebot walking using map clicks not working correctly with previous version fixed LocalPlayer.getInventoryItem function not working correctly with previous version updated Anti Idle.lua to respect recent constant values change List of changes: fixed cavebot's walk delay setting not being loaded correctly fixed issue where node would not process to next waypoint while being in desired range sometimes fixed issue where the same persistent script could start multiple times overlapping eachother fixed issue that caused the bot to be stuck on looting action indefinitely fixed issue with g_game.useItemOnPosition that prevented using it on inventory item position fixed g_game.move function not working at ntsw.pl fixed key walking not working at saiyansreturn.com LocalPlayer.getInventoryItem should now correctly return items from custom slots huge optimisations for tile reading performance overall major optimisations for reading game information from client overall major bot performance improvements added new lua table: g_things g_things.getThingType(id) -- return ThingType object with corresponding id ThingType object functions added: getId -- returns id isGround -- returns true if ThingType is ground isContainer -- returns true if ThingType is container isStackable -- returns true if ThingType is stackable isNotWalkable -- return true if ThingType is not walkable isNotMoveable -- return true if ThingType is not moveable isBlockProjectile -- returns true if ThingType blocks projectiles from flying through it isNotPathable -- returns true if ThingType blocks pathfinding isPickupable -- returns true if ThingType can be picked up setPathable(bool) -- sets ThingType's pathable attribute to desired state (true/false) Creature object functions added: getSkull -- returns Creature's skull getType -- returns Creature's type getShield -- returns Creature's party shield getEmblem -- returns Creature's guild eblem getIcon -- returns Creature's icon (NPC) some constant values have changed, you can check them all at libs/const.lua
  16. should be fixed in the next update
  17. not at the moment, it will be added in the next update tho
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