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Everything posted by Zelek

  1. Zelek

    Request Script

    if not g_game.isOnline() then return end local slotsToUse = { InventorySlots.Head, InventorySlots.Necklace, InventorySlots.Armor, InventorySlots.Right, InventorySlots.Left, InventorySlots.Legs, InventorySlots.Feet, InventorySlots.Ring } for v, slot in pairs(slotsToUse) do g_game.useItem(g_game.getLocalPlayer():getInventoryItem(slot)) sleep(2000) end auto(10 * 60 * 1000, 15 * 60 * 1000) if not g_game.isOnline() then return end local itemIdtoUse = 3031 if not g_game.isAttacking() then g_game.useItemOnPosition(itemIdtoUse, g_game.getLocalPlayer():getPosition()) sleep(2000) end sleep(100) If it takes longer than 2 seconds to kill a monster it should work fine I guess
  2. @aline Beta 7 works at RotS without a problem for me. Please follow the steps and don't run anything as administator.
  3. You can download it here: OTClientBot-v2.0.0-beta7 Also please remember to install Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 x86 if you haven't already. List of changes: added 3 new lua functions to the LocalPlayer class to manage the inventory: getInventoryItem(InventorySlot slot) getItems() getItemsById(number itemId) function getItemsCount in the LocalPlayer class now also counts inventory items fixed useItem function in the Game class not working correctly at some servers fixed isOnScreen function in the Game class not working correctly fixed "unknown error" that could occur while iterating over tables in lua scripts improved bot stability (fixed a lot of potential crash bugs) removed otclientbotmsvs.dll and otclientbotgcc.dll and replaced it with single library "otclientbot.dll"
  4. Zelek

    Request Script

    Reading/using inventory items will be possible in the next beta version (probably tomorrow). Currently there is no way to read items on the ground, it will be added in the future. What you could do is just use the item on target’s position every x milliseconds tho.
  5. It should work in RotS without an issue. Make sure you don't run client and bot as administrator and that you wait until the client loads fully before selecting it in the bot.
  6. Zelek

    Request Script

    stop spamming, read your email and just log in again in the program.
  7. Hello everyone, I've decided to change the free trial that was available until now to the paid one. The reason for that is a bunch of people were abusing the system to gain unlimited access to the bot for free which is unfair to the paying subscribers and to me. The new price is 1 euro / 3 days. It's purchasable only once and any kind of further abuse will end up in terminating your access to the website and bot in general. Kind regards, Zelek
  8. You can download it here: OTClientBot-v2.0.0-beta6 Also please remember to install Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 x86 if you haven't already. List of changes: Fixed the issue that prevented setting multiple options via a lua script. Fixed targeting issues while using monster count other than "1+". Fixed looting not working on tibia-avatar server. Fixed some compatibility issues with older operating systems. Added new lua functions: playSound(string fileName) g_game.walk(Direction direction)
  9. Zelek

    Request Script

    I don't really understand
  10. Zelek

    Request Script

    It will be fixed in the next version (today).
  11. Zelek


    It’s already available. All you have to do is add “All” as a monster name.
  12. Zelek

    Request Script

    Currently not possible, I'll be adding it in the future.
  13. Zelek

    Request Script

    I'll be adding the function to count idle time in the next version.
  14. Zelek

    Request Script

    There is a dedicated panel to select the direction of your waypoints under the buttons. To open a door select the correct direction and press "Use" button.
  15. Zelek

    Time Bot

    You can log in your account at https://otclientbot.com/account to check the remaining time.
  16. Due to few users requesting a discord server I'd like to make a poll to see if atleast some of you would be interested in interacting with each other this way. Please make your vote according to your state on that matter.
  17. I'll create a poll to see if people are interested, but personally I don't see many gains from the discord over the forum.
  18. Zelek

    Request Script

    just set a priority.
  19. Zelek

    Request Script

    if not g_game.isOnline() then return end local leftSlot = 6 local rightSlot = 5 g_game.move(7368, {x=65535, y=leftSlot, z=0}, 100) auto(5000) Currently there is no way to read player's equipment to know when the weapon is gone, so it's best to just move the items every x amount of time. I'll be adding it in the future versions.
  20. Zelek

    Request Script

    Can't you just set it up in the built-in healer?
  21. It works for me with Realesta, so I don't really know what the issue could be for you. Usually it's the windows defender blocking the dll injection but you have it disabled like you said.
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