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Request Script


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Write a brief explanation of what you would like the script to do.

Please make sure that the script you requested isn't already available at the forum, otherwise your post will be removed.


List of scripts:

  1. Use spell based on player's soul
  2. Auto fishing
  3. Wave/area spell
  4. Turn to target
  5. Eat food
  6. Drop specified items on the ground
  7. Use item on the map based on character's position
  8. Cast targeted spell with health check
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  • Zelek pinned this topic
1 hour ago, legend said:

if possible reattack script and the script that keep my furie on 100 (rage on dbl)


You can load the “Keep Target” script that is already included in the bot.


Keep soul at 100:

local player = g_game.getLocalPlayer()
if player:getSoul() ~= 100 then
  sleep(900, 1100)


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local player = g_game.getLocalPlayer()
local pos = player:getPosition()
local offsetX = -3 -- how many sqms to the west/east
local offsetY = 0 -- how many sqms to the north/south
local fishingRodID = 3483
pos.x = pos.x + offsetX
pos.y = pos.y + offsetY
g_game.useItemOnPosition(fishingRodID, pos)


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Cast wave if all monsters within given range are in front of the character and different spell otherwise:

local player = g_game.getLocalPlayer()
local checkRange = 4
local spellWave = "ten times kamehameha"
local spellArea = "genki dama"

if g_game.isAttacking() then
    if #g_game.getMonstersInFront() == #g_game.getMonstersAround(1) and #g_game.getMonstersAround(1) > 0 and #g_game.getMonstersAround(checkRange) == #g_game.getMonstersAround(1) then
        sleep(900, 1100)
    elseif #g_game.getMonstersAround(checkRange) >= 1 then
        sleep(900, 1100)



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14 minutes ago, Aloe vera said:



and last script if its possible target spell on target if health is bigger then x

Cast spell if character's health is atleast at the specified amount:

local healthToCast = 75
local spellToCast = "exori hur"
local player = g_game.getLocalPlayer()
if g_game.isAttacking() and player:getHealthPercent() >= healthToCast then
  sleep(900, 1100)


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48 minutes ago, Kurwiererererer said:

Drop usless items on ground ( I using puar for loot items, but looting everything on this server )

if not g_game.isOnline() then
local itemsToDrop = {3364, 3365} -- populate this table with items IDs you would like to drop
local containers = g_game.getContainers()
for v, container in pairs(containers) do
  if container:getItemsCount() > 0 then
    local containerItems = container:getItems()
    for j, item in pairs(containerItems) do
      for k, itemId in pairs(itemsToDrop) do
        if item:getId() == itemId then
          g_game.moveItem(item, g_game.getLocalPlayer():getPosition(), item:getCount())


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49 minutes ago, Kurwiererererer said:

Use item on ground near you, for skilling Attack Speed on Saiyans Return

if not g_game.isOnline() then return end
local player = g_game.getLocalPlayer()
local pos = player:getPosition()
local offsetX = 2 -- how many sqms to the west/east
local offsetY = 0 -- how many sqms to the north/south
g_game.useMapItem({x = pos.x + offsetX, y = pos.y + offsetY, z = pos.z})


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3 minutes ago, Zelek said:

if not g_game.isOnline() then return end
local player = g_game.getLocalPlayer()
local pos = player:getPosition()
local offsetX = 2 -- how many sqms to the west/east
local offsetY = 0 -- how many sqms to the north/south
g_game.useMapItem({x = pos.x + offsetX, y = pos.y + offsetY, z = pos.z})


Can you change it, to find pos by item id?

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22 hours ago, aline said:

example: when the% of the character reaches 95% use f1 

if not g_game.isOnline() then return end
local player = g_game.getLocalPlayer()
if player:getHealthPercent() <= 95 then


22 hours ago, aline said:

and magic attack? example use magic on hotkey f4

if not g_game.isOnline() then return end
if g_game.isAttacking() then


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19 hours ago, mlodykomar3 said:

Give good scripts for heal and mana for dbl becuse this heal system in bot its rly crazy all the time spam spells or senzu

It does not, you just set it up incorrectly. Please stop posting in this topic without actual script request and create a new topic in Questions board instead.

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3 hours ago, bloodmare5 said:

Can u give good scripts for priogames? heal/senzu/spell cast?


Please stop posting in this topic without an actual script request. Your post doesn't contain any description other than "good script"...

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